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Get IVR Number

Automate your call centre and handle innumerable calls seamlessly with cloud-hosted IVR system.

Our automated system responds to voice and keyboard inputs, routing calls to the appropriate agent based on customer responses.

Optimized Call Routing

Intelligent call forwarding directs calls to the most appropriate agent, enhancing customer service efficiency.

Utilizing cloud technology, businesses can easily scale their IVR systems on-demand, avoiding additional infrastructure and costs.


Seamless Call Tracking

SuperCRM's real-time IVR dashboard enables effortless tracking and monitoring of live calls.

With 100% data security, 99.99% uptime, and affordable plans, SuperCRM ensures maximum return on investment.

My experience has been very positive. The software is easy to use and integrates well with our existing system. The phone was configured in minutes by a remote engineer. I have never had to ask for assistance for over 12 months now

Dan Gordon

Director, Airlines Inc.

Dan Gordon

Enable IVR and ACD for your business.

We offer a range of features including interactive voice response (IVR), automatic call distribution (ACD), skills-based routing, intelligent call queuing, and more.

Autocall distribution

Route calls efficiently to the relevant agent, reducing your customer’s wait time.

Virtual receptionist

Reduce long call queue, resolve basic customer queries and help them navigate to the required department

Call monitoring

Monitor live conversations from the dashboard in real-time and intervene to aid agents in urgent or critical discussions.

Missed Call Tracking

Identify the agent who missed the call and access the record directly within CRM.

Call Analytics

Gain insights into trends and customer call patterns, directly from the dashboard to empower data-driven decision-making.

Enable call workflow

Create workflow for each caller to trigger automated emails or WhatsApp messages after the call concludes.


Automations with 4000+ integrations

We drives integrations with rich WhatsApp business API, Zapier, Meta, various E-commerce and more

Experience a comprehensive solution

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